Plant and Pipeline Operators, Supervisors, Engineers and Manager.
Reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) is one of the most current maintenance program used in oil and gas industry at design (FEED) stage or in operation stage. The reliability data, in terms of MTTF, MTBF will be evaluated for each individual equipment and system. The reliability of the system is determined using a reliability block diagram by considering serial or parallel arrangement of the equipment that construct the system (e.g. gas process plant). Maintainability is defined, and assumptions are made according to data history of similar equipment/system or engineering judgment. Sensitivity analysis is also performed for various cases of MTTR including logistical support for parts and materials to evaluate which factors become the major contributors to the maintainability and availability. For RAM modeling, various foreseeable scenarios, including the effect of logistic time delay, can also be developed. The major cause for unreliability and unavailability related to down time will be discussed, and the necessary steps to avoid that condition will be recommended. In this training, the OREDA (2004), BS 5760 and ISO 14224 as primary RAM sources will be consulted.
Dalam Materi Reliability, Availability And Maintainability Analysis ini akan membahas outline materi yang diantaranya adalah :
1. Defining the system by utilize the PFDs, P&IDs and equipment lists
2. Obtaining necessary failure rate data and repair from reliable resources, e.g. OREDA and in accordance with the industry standard ISO 14224
3. Determine individual equipment reliability
4. Determining the MTTR
Calculating reliability and availability of the system (plant level)
5. Performing sensitivity modeling for various cases of MTTR including logistic supports for parts and materials.
6. Outlining the major causes of non-availability and production inefficiency and propose improvements to the equipment/systems maintenance programs where appropriate
Training Reliability, Availability And Maintainability Analysis ini akan diberikan oleh instruktur / trainer dari kalangan praktisi dan akademisi yang mempunyai kompetensi di bidang yang sama. Selain sebagai pengajar juga sebagai konsultan di beberapa perusahaan Swasta, BUMN di Indonesia
Sejak tahun 2016, Diorama Training Department menjadi pilihan ratusan perusahaan di Indonesia untuk membantu pengembangan kapabilitas dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusianya.