Training Plant Performance Calculation,

Apakah Kamu Seorang ?

This training is recommended to be followed by : Plant Engineers, Performance Engineers, Turbine Systems Engineers, Operations and Maintenance Superintendents and Managers, and Plant Managers.

Tahukah Kamu

During this training, the trainer together with the management team, plans the operation and maintenance routines. This training also emphasises economic aspects of plant operation and maintenance. Key figures for reporting plant performance are also considered.

Apa Saja Materi Pelatihannya

Dalam Materi Plant Performance Calculation ini akan membahas outline materi yang diantaranya adalah :

  1. Boiler Efficiency Calculations
  2. Indirect method (ASME PTC 4-1)
  3. Direct Method
  4. Using simulation tool
  5. Economiser & Superheater effectiveness
  6. Air heater leakage
  7. Steam Turbine Efficiency
  8. Turbine heat rate
  9. Enthalpy drop efficiency
  10. Exhaust loss calculation
  11. Control valve and stage loss
  12. Steam turbine power generation calculation
  13. Condenser Effectiveness
  14. Calculation to find out heat transfer coefficient using HEI 8th& 9thedition method
  15. Calculation of circulating water flow
  16. Feedwater Heater Performance
  17. Calculation of extraction flow
  18. Calculation of terminal temperature difference (TTD) and drain cooler approach (DCA)
  19. Calculation of individual section effectiveness
  20. Boiler Feed Pump Performance
  21. System performance
  22. Boiler feed pump efficiency calculation
  23. Fan Performance
  24. Cooling Tower Performance
  25. Net Plan Heat Rate

Siapa Instruktur/ Trainer nya

Training Plant Performance Calculation ini akan diberikan oleh instruktur / trainer dari kalangan praktisi dan akademisi yang mempunyai kompetensi di bidang yang sama. Selain sebagai pengajar juga sebagai konsultan di beberapa perusahaan Swasta, BUMN di Indonesia

Jadilah Mitra Kami dan Mari Bersinergi

Sejak tahun 2016, Diorama Training Department menjadi pilihan ratusan perusahaan di Indonesia untuk membantu pengembangan kapabilitas dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusianya.

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Upgrade Skill Kamu Sekarang






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Hafidz Fauzi CRO Diorama Training Jakarta