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Pelatihan Tentang Life Cycle Costing (LCC)




Life Cycle Costing (LCC) also called Whole Life Costing is an economic assessment of an item, system or facility, considering all the significant costs of ownership over its economic life, expressed in terms of equivalent dollars/euros. LCC is important because the visible costs of any acquisition/purchase represent only a small proportion of the total cost of ownership. Another important reason for LCC is due to a strong relationship between operation and maintenance costs and the functionality and reliability of the item. Therefore, the application of LCC requires a sufficient engineering knowledge.

LCC itself is a structured approach that addresses all elements of ownership costs in relation with the functionality and reliability performance of the item. The results of an LCC analysis, one of them is a cost profile of the product or service over its anticipated life-span, can be used to assist management in the decision-making process where some options exist. Major area of LCC applications are in hardware acquisition process, modification of hardware and software, and in reduction of operation and maintenance costs.

LCC consists of Life Cycle Costing model development and the Life Cycle Costing model application for each option. The primary activities of the Life Cycle Cost model development are the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) development and the selection of cost component estimation method. The output of LCC is a Life Cycle Cost estimate, including its distribution on a time scale, cost drivers, sensitivity of the estimate to particular parameters and the risk due to uncertainty of design parameters.HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT FROM THIS TRAINING :

  1. To improve costs awareness. Application of LCC will improve awareness of the management and engineers on the factors that drive cost and the resources required by the item, so that cost reduction program is possible.
  2. Whole life costs evaluation. LCC allow evaluation of competing options on the basis of whole life costs.
  3. Trade-off performance against cost. When assessing options, cost is not the only factor to be considered. There are other factors such as the compliance to the specified performances and the levels of service to be provided.
  4. Maximize revenue. By applying LCC, the operation and maintenance costs are reduced without sacrifying the performance of the production equipment through analysis of the performance parameters and cost drivers.
  5. Specific for engineers, this course will describe the relationship between the functional and reliability performances and costs. This makes possible to identify specifications which resulting in high Life Cycle Costing.
  6. Understand the procedure to implement LCC including the development of Life Cycle Cost model for various applications.
  7. Understand the theoretical background of time value of money and risk analysis as well as their impact on decision making process.


1. Engineers (Engineering, Reliability, Maintenance)
2. Purchasing engineer/manager
3. Project Engineer
4. Process & Manufacturing Engineer
5. Maintenance Manager/ Supervisor
6. Other professional who wants to have a better understanding and take advantage from the course.


1. Why Life Cycle Costing (LCC) ?
2. LCC and system effectiveness.
3. Various economic evaluation.
4. LCC procedure.
5. Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS)
6. Cost Estimation Methods.
7. Time value of money
8. Risk analysis
9. Cost drivers identification
10. Area of LCC applications.
11. LCC model development.
12. LCC for hardware acquisition.
13. LCC for hardware modification.
14. LCC for maintenance optimization.
15. Interactive discussion


Pelatihan ini akan dibawakan oleh trainer/ pemateri yang berpengalaman di bidangnya.


1. Presentation
2. Discuss
3. Case Study
4. Evaluation
5. Pre-Test & Post-Test
6. Games

Jadwal Diorama Training Tahun 2025

  • Januari : 16-17 Januari 2025
  • Februari : 13-14 Februari 2025
  • Maret : 5-6 Maret 2025
  • April : 24-25 April 2025
  • Mei : 21-22 Mei 2025
  • Juni : 11-12 Juni 2025
  • Juli : 16-17 Juli 2025
  • Agustus : 20-21 Agustus 2025
  • September : 17-18 September 2025
  • Oktober : 8-9 Oktober 2025
  • November : 12-13 November 2025
  • Desember : 17-18 Desember 2025

Catatan: Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta. Peserta dapat mengajukan tanggal pelaksanaan pelatihan. Sebelum melakukan booking tiket perjalanan maupun hotel mohon untuk menghubungi marketing kami terlebih dahulu. Kesalahan pemesanan tiket terkait jadwal tanpa surat konfirmasi (Confirmation Letter) bukan merupakan tanggung jawab tim Diorama Training.



  • Yogyakarta, Hotel Fortuna Grande Malioboro (6.000.000 IDR / participant)
  • Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Kemang  La Codefin (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Surabaya, Hotel Neo Gubeng (7.500.000 IDR / participant)



  • Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.

Catatan: Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Benefit Apa Saja yang Didapatkan Peserta?

  • FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara)
  • FREE Transportasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan (By Request)
  • Module / Handout
  • FREE Flashdisk
  • Sertifikat
  • FREE Bag or backpack (Tas Training)
  • Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
  • 2x Coffee Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
  • FREE Souvenir Exclusive

FAQ tentang Diotraining

P : Berapa minimal running pelatihan ini ?
J : Pelatihan ini akan running idealnya minimal dengan 3 peserta, tetapi bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan peserta

P : Apakah bisa jika saya hanya ingin pelatihan sendiri aja / private course ?
J : Bisa, kami akan membantu menyelenggarakan pelatihan 1 hari jika ada persetujuan dari klien

P : Dimana saja pelatihan biasanya di selenggarakan?
J : Pelatihan kami selenggarakan di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia seperti Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok dan beberapa negara seperti Singapore dan Malaysia

P : Apakah bisa diselenggarakan selain di kota lain?
J : Penyelenggaraan pelatihan bisa diadakan di kota lain dengan minimal kuota 5 orang setiap kelas

P : Apakah bisa juga diselenggarakan secara IHT/ In House Training di Perusahaan klien ?
J : Bisa diselenggarakan secara IHT di Perusahaan klien

P : Apakah jadwal bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien ?
J : Jadwal pelatihan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien.


Materi, Lokasi dan Jadwal Pelatihan Bisa Berubah Sewaktu-waktu dan disesuaikan Dengan Kondisi Peserta, dimohon untuk Melakukan Konfirmasi untuk Segala Bentuk Perubahan, agar Tidak Terjadi Miskomunikasi. Segera Daftarkan Pelatihan, Dapatkan Promo Menarik Bulan Ini.


Beberapa Klien Kami

training diotraining klien



Silabus Training ini di edit oleh Wafa Setiawan sebagai Content Writer Spesialis. Tim Diorama Training di bidang Pelatihan Konsultasi Sumbedaya Manusia dan Sertifikasi.  


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Hafidz Fauzi CRO Diorama Training Jakarta