Training Analisis Dan Interpretasi Logging,

Apakah Kamu Seorang ?

Geologist, Geophysics, Drilling Engineers, Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineers, Production Engineers, Technicians, Anyone interested in a solid understanding of the principles of formation evaluations

Tahukah Kamu

Logs are the most universal technical documents on oil and gas wells. They impact the work of almost every oilfield group from geologist to drillers to banker. Familiarity with the purpose and applications of well logs is therefore essential. General principles of physics are used to explain the functions of modern logging tools and the potential impact of drilling conditions on the interpretation. Wherever possible, the physics of logging measurements is related to everyday tools and appliances. Participants develop an appreciation for the constraints and limitations of the borehole environments. Actual log example are related to basic principles in the description of reservoir properties, cross plotting and reconnaissance techniques the eyes of the part time log interpreter, discriminate between water, oil and gas, quickly and efficiently. Error minimization techniques and why they produce optimal results are demystified.

Apa Saja Materi Pelatihannya

Dalam Materi Analisis Dan Interpretasi Logging ini akan membahas outline materi yang diantaranya adalah :

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Petroleum Geology
  3. Reservoir Engineering Aspects Relate to Well Logging
  4. Well Logging Tools and Its Application (Electrical Logs, Radioactive Logs, Acoustic Log and Other Logs)
  5. Fluid and Rock Type Identification
  6. Description of correlation/lithology, porosity, and resistivity logs
  7. Determination of lithology, porosity, and fluid saturation from logs (Clean  sand and Shaly sand)
  8. Interpretation techniques using logs individually and in combination (Qualitative and Quantitative Interpretations)
  9. Cross Plot
  10. Hydrocarbon Identification and Net Pay Estimation
  11. Case Studies

Siapa Instruktur/ Trainer nya

Training Analisis Dan Interpretasi Logging ini akan diberikan oleh instruktur / trainer dari kalangan praktisi dan akademisi yang mempunyai kompetensi di bidang yang sama. Selain sebagai pengajar juga sebagai konsultan di beberapa perusahaan Swasta, BUMN di Indonesia

Jadilah Mitra Kami dan Mari Bersinergi

Sejak tahun 2016, Diorama Training Department menjadi pilihan ratusan perusahaan di Indonesia untuk membantu pengembangan kapabilitas dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusianya.

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Upgrade Skill Kamu Sekarang






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Hafidz Fauzi CRO Diorama Training Jakarta