Pelatihan rotating equipment operation maintenance and troubleshooting,

Apakah Kamu Seorang ?

  • Engineers / Equipment’s Operators
  • Maintenance / Workshop technicians
  • Quality Control engineers.
  • Process & Manufacturing / Engineer
  • Other professional who wants to have a better understanding and take advantage from the course.

Tahukah Kamu

Most of plant’s equipments are rotary. Therefore, understanding the principles of rotating equipments is very essential. Identification of failure modes and monitoring methods of failure symptom are important as well, for establishing the most effective maintenance program.

This course begins with discussing the definition of rotating equipments, their types and their primary functions, as well as the general characteristics of rotating equipments in relation with their performance. Then, a detailed discussion on primary rotating equipments, namely pumps, compressors, turbines and fans/blowers, will be given.

Apa Saja Materi Pelatihannya

Dalam Materi Rotating Equipment Rotating Equipment Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting ini akan membahas outline materi yang diantaranya adalah :

  1. Definition of Rotating Equipment, types, functions and general characteristics.
  2. Pumps: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes
  3. Compressors: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.
  4. Turbines: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.
  5. Fan/ Blowers: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.
  6. Alignment of axles.
  7. Summary of rotating equipment’s failure modes.
  8. Predictive maintenance for rotating equipments.
  9. Method for test performance of the equipment
  10. Equipment installation requirement
  11. Equipment log book
  12. Operation manual & parts book
  13. Software for operation & maintenance
  14. Pedestal Crane
  15. Geometric Dimensional Measurement Techniques
  16. Studi Kasus / Praktek pemecahan masalah Rotating Equipment : Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Siapa Instruktur/ Trainer nya

Training Rotating Equipment Rotating Equipment Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting ini akan diberikan oleh instruktur / trainer dari kalangan praktisi dan akademisi yang mempunyai kompetensi di bidang yang sama. Selain sebagai pengajar juga sebagai konsultan di beberapa perusahaan Swasta, BUMN di Indonesia

Jadilah Mitra Kami dan Mari Bersinergi

Sejak tahun 2016, Diorama Training Department menjadi pilihan ratusan perusahaan di Indonesia untuk membantu pengembangan kapabilitas dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusianya.

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